With the purpose and goal to provide as much support to the youth for their future, our Mayor Nathaniel D. Escobar personally led the conduct semestral distribution of assistance to scholar beneficiaries together with Vice Mayor Riolita R. Balbalan and the Municipal Officials.
Through the Municipal Ordinance No. 08 series of 2020, with the purpose to support an individual to improve and grow thru education, A total of 75 Beneficiaries each received an educational cash assistance amounting to Two Thousand Seven Hundred Pesos (Php 2,700.00) for this semester.

SBM Christopher S. Belen/Committee Chair on Education, provided an inspirational message in hopes to uplift the eagerness of the youth to continue and complete their education for their own good.

Vice Mayor Riolita R. Balbalan, reminded the youth the beauty of life after graduating by being better equipped with knowledge and skills to bring about change for the better for themselves, their family their loved ones and everyone around them.

Mayor Nathaniel D. Escobar, seconded the previous speakers and personally interacted with each and every beneficiary to also be a role model for the even younger generations today, and be the leaders they are meant to be tomorrow for their time will come to take up the mantle to bring up change for their family and the community.

The said event was facilitated by Mrs. Irene D. Galimba, Administrative Officer IV and other personnel of the Mayor’s Office.

(Vanjourg C. Arreola)