

To serve primarily as a general-purpose government for the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and effective governance of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction.


An agri-business, eco-friendly, peaceful and safe community, propelled by enterprising, God-loving, empowered and disaster resilient citizenry, guided by united and exemplary leaders.


The people of Burgos anchored the development in two sectors:

1. Agricultural Development for where the areas is known for its quality tobacco, rice and corn produce, as well as livestock, and

2. Cultural Tourism where the area is cultural blend of lowland and upland culture with agricultural development and cultural tourism, the people of Burgos envision the town as progressive upland municipality of Ilocos Sur.

· To strengthen the OTOP for livelihood and tourism purposes.

· To strengthen farmers organizations in pursuit of a quality life.

· To reinforce the reforestation in pursuit of a quality life.

· To tie-up with business owners to reinvigorate market operation.

· To involve all sectors in the community to promote culture and arts.

· To maintain and develop balanced-ecology.

· To intensify revenue collection.

· Institutionalize people’s participation for peaceful and safe community.

· To capacitate the community to become adaptive to disasters/calamities.

· To improve health situation in the community by promoting quality health care.