A friendly game between the officials and employees of LGU Burgos headed by Mayor Nathaniel D. Escobar against the personnel of PNP-Burgos headed by PCPT OIC-COP Melvin G Trinidad and personnel of BFP-Burgos headed by MFM SFO4 Antonio T Rigunay took place right before semi-finals on Oct. 16, 2023 and the main event which is the 2023 Mayor’s Cup Finals on Oct. 17, 2023.

The LGU team took the win against their rival in a 2-0 lead with a whopping score of 82-59. Although this may be an exhibition match, both teams played their hearts out as if it was the finals and displayed their deep love for the game that they share with our very energetic Mayor Boy Escobar.

Mayor Boy Escobar with his incredible hard worked skills, bountiful experience and raw talent gained him the Best Player of the Game on Oct. 16, 2023 while SBM Lester Fabrigas with his dominance in the paint and towering height won him the Best Player of the Game on Oct. 17, 2023. (Vanjourg C. Arreola)