Retrofitting of Multi-Purpose Building (Old Building) at the Municipal Ground, Poblacion Norte Rehabilitation of Irrigation System (Canal lining) – Barangay Subadi Sur Rehabilitation lmprovement of Farm-to-Market Road – Barangay Mapanit Rehabilitation Improvement of Farm-to-Market Road (Along Foronda St.) – Barangay Dirdirig Rehab. lmprovement of Mufti-Purpose Building at Barangay Balugang Rehab. lmprovement of Farm-to-Market Road (to Tangaoan) – Barangay Cadacad Installation of Solar Lights – Municipalwide, Burgos, llocos Sur Flood Control Project – Barangay Lesseb Construction of Post-Harvest Facility-Barangay Callitong Construction of Multi-Purpose Building-Barangay Poblacion Norte