The most-awaited Oath Taking Ceremony of the Newly Elected Barangay Officials of Burgos, Ilocos Sur was conducted by the Local Government Unit of Burgos headed by Nathaniel D. Escobar together with the Municipal Officials led by Vice Mayor Riolita R. Balbalan, the Department of Interior and Local Governance led by Mrs. Isidora E. Vendiola, MLGOO and Commission on Election led by Mrs. Purita E. Caban, Election Officer.

The opening of the said event started with a prayer led by Pastor Walter Daoilen followed by Mrs. Vendiola announcing and celebrating the first official business day for the Newly-Elected Barangay Officials of the 26 Barangays inside the Municipality.

Vice Mayor Balbalan, shared a simple but significant and meaningful message to always be the best part of themselves for they are now the face of their respective barangays and to serve with the best of their capabilities.

Mrs. Caban then formally presented the Newly-Elected Barangay Officials to the Municipal Officials and to the whole Municipality of Burgos as she commended each and every candidate victorious or not, the staff of Burgos MPS led by OIC-COP PCPT. Melvin G Trinidad, the Philippine Army, those who served during the elections and the voters for maintaining the peace and order in the Municipality especially during the elections period.

Next, our Municipal Mayor Hon. Nathaniel D. Escobar administered the oath-taking which the newly elected barangay officials of the Municipality of Burgos, Ilocos Sur swore their responsibility. Right after, Mayor Boy Escobar gave an inspiring message on how its like to serve their respective barangays as he himself has very well experienced the challenges of being a barangay official. He also emphasized that it is very important to always be humble and to keep on choosing unity above everything else for it is one of the key factors for a peaceful and progressive barangay. Also, he mentioned to never neglect on being transparent to their constituents.

Mrs. Lourdes D. Escobar, President of the Liga ng mga Barangay closed the said event by congratulating the newly-elected barangay officials with a reminder to serve their respective barangays efficiently, wholeheartedly and honesty.

The said event was facilitated by the Municipal Employees of the Local Government Unit of Burgos, Ilocos Sur.

(Vanjourg C. Arreola)