The May 9, 2022 election produced a new set of Municipal Officials who officially sworn to office by our Vice-Governor/Governor-Elect Hon. Jeremias C. Singson. Their official assumption to office will be at noon of June 30, 2022.

Aside from Vice Governor/Governor-Elect, Hon. Jeremias C. Singson, who administered their oath, we have been doubly lucky with the presence of Hon. William Dar, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Hon. Nestor Domenden, Regional Director, Department of Agriculture Regional Office 1 and Retried Ambassador Catalino Dilem Jr. as our special guests.

Hon. William Dar in his messaged emphasized the importance of being united as One Nation, One Ilocos Sur, One Burgos. He also announced that the Municipality of Burgos will be receiving projects with fund amounting to more than 37 million pesos. Our Mayor-Elect Hon. Nathaniel D. Escobar reiterated that he and the new set of Municipal Officials could not deliver the development we’ve been dreaming for our town without the full support and cooperation of the community.

Again, The Municipality of Burgos would like to welcome,

Municipal Mayor-Elect, Hon. Nathaniel D. Escobar
Municipal Vice Mayor-Elect, Hon. Riolita R. Balbalan
SBM-Elect, Hon. Ben Marius F. Escobar
SBM-Elect, Hon. Roy A. Samuel
SBM-Elect, Hon. Lester O. Fabrigas
SBM-Elect, Hon. Gerome Arthur C. Balbalan
SBM-Elect, Hon. Christopher S. Belen
SBM-Elect, Hon. Avigael Joyce A. Ayson
SBM-Elect, Hon. Cornelio B. Carta, Jr.
SBM-Elect, Hon. Isabelo F. Degracia Jr.